Barion Pixel


I.) Provider, general information, contact details, customer service.

  1. Service provider name: Napimúzsa Kft, which operates Mobilpatyolat.

Postal address: 8174 Balatonkenese, Széchenyi utca 40.

Company registration number: 19-09-523493

Tax number: 32148055-2-19

Postal address: 8174 Balatonkenese, Széchenyi utca 40.

 Customer service:

Telephone customer service: +3630 6898607

  1. Central email address:

Correspondence to the central email address will be answered within 24-48 hours during working hours. Emails received on weekends or public holidays will be answered within 24-48 hours after the weekend or public holiday.

I.4. Service provider's website address

  1. Terms and Conditions available:

Service Provider's website.

II) Scope of the General Terms and Conditions

Napimúzsa Kft., the operator of the Mobile Patrol (registered office: 8174 Balatonkenese, Széchenyi utca 40., company registration number: Cg. 19-09-523493; tax number: 32148055-2-19; postal address: 8174 Balatonkenese, Széchenyi utca 40, e-mail address:, hereinafter referred to as "Mobilpatyolat"), users and all users of the services, these General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as "GTC") contain the basic rights and obligations for the services available through the Mobilpatyolat, the interface and the Mobilpatyolat Mobile Applications.

By accepting these General Terms and Conditions, a written contract is established between the client and Mobilpatyolat, which both parties mutually acknowledge. The client has read and acknowledged the signed contract in advance and considers it binding. The service provider must ensure the contract is always accessible to the client.

III.) Prices/ Payment Methods and Tools

  1. Prices

The current prices of Mobilpatyolat can be found at, on Facebook (, and on Instagram communication platforms. The prices displayed on Mobilpatyolat communication platforms are always net prices.

Mobilpatyolat distinguishes between two different pricing structures for its base prices:

-Private clients and one-time customers

-Public/regular clients 

Mobilpatyolat reserves the right to change user prices without prior consultation or notification.

Mobilpatyolat reserves the right to apply additional discounts either to the entire client base or a freely defined segment of its client base. The discount can be provided as a direct price reduction, a coupon redemption, or through any other tool developed by Mobilpatyolat.

The following payment methods can be used on the online platform and through Mobilpatyolat mobile applications:

  1. Cash

At the Mobilpatyolat delivery location, it is possible to pay for services using a bank card. Accepted methods include:

  On the online platform:

Users have the option to top up their balance using a bank card. Bank card payments are processed through the Barion system.

IV.) Invoicing

Mobilpatyolat issues an electronic VAT invoice for the services used.

Invoice Request Procedure


1. The invoice request must be sent via email to The email must contain the necessary billing details (name, address, delivery email address).

In the case of booking services, after using the service, you can send your invoice request via email to

Important: Mobilpatyolat cannot issue an invoice for items older than 30 days! This applies to invoice requests sent via email.

V.) Service Usage Rules


VI.) Mobilpatyolat Booking System

Mobilpatyolat allows pre-booking of washing, drying, and ironing services provided by Mobilpatyolat through specified platforms for a specific time and location.

Users eligible to use the Mobilpatyolat booking system:

Any natural or legal person. However, only those who have successfully booked an appointment through the calendar, email, or phone will be able to make a successful booking within the Mobilpatyolat booking system.

The Mobilpatyolat booking system can be accessed via the following platform by eligible users: online platform.


Booking fee: Currently, there is no additional fee for the booking, which is a convenience service provided by Mobilpatyolat. However, Mobilpatyolat reserves the right to introduce a booking fee for the above-defined booking without prior notice to clients eligible to use the Mobilpatyolat booking system.

Booking Cancellation

Successful Cancellation: A cancellation is considered successful if the client eligible for booking cancels their appointment in the Mobilpatyolat booking system at least 2 hours before the scheduled time. In this case, no service fee will be charged.

Unsuccessful Cancellation: A cancellation is considered unsuccessful if the client cancels their appointment in the Mobilpatyolat booking system less than 2 hours (120 minutes) before the scheduled time. In this case, the client will be charged the delivery fee at the time of the originally scheduled appointment.


Invoices can be requested after the scheduled appointment in the Mobilpatyolat booking system.

For bookings made through both the platform and the Mobilpatyolat mobile application (iOS or Android):

– The user who made the booking is entitled to receive the invoice via email for successfully used bookings. We cannot issue invoices for items older than 30 days.

30 napnál régebbi tételekről nem áll módunkban számlát kiállítani. 

VII.) Complaints and Error Reporting

Complaints, feedback, and error reports related to Mobilpatyolat operations can be submitted in writing via email at or by phone at +36 30 6898607.

Emails sent to will be responded to within 24-48 hours during business hours. Emails received on weekends or public holidays will be answered within 24-48 hours after the weekend or holiday.

  1. Pickup and Delivery Service

Definition of Pickup and Delivery Service: Pickup and delivery service refers to the collection of textiles and garments to be cleaned at the client’s address by the service provider’s driver. After collection, the service provider will provide washing and drying services, and after a minimum of 24 hours, return the cleaned items to the same address.

Locations Where Pickup and Delivery Service is Provided::

Companies Providing Pickup and Delivery Service (Service Providers)::

Pickup and Delivery Service is Available::

On weekdays, Monday – Saturday.

Eligible Clients for Pickup and Delivery Service::

All private individuals and legal entities.

How to Place an Order for Pickup and Delivery Service::

Through the platform, under the Pickup and Delivery menu.

Process for Ordering the Pickup and Delivery Service:

Clients can place orders for the pickup and delivery service through the platform, within the Pickup and Delivery menu.

The pickup and delivery service is only available in the locations specified above. Therefore, orders for other areas will receive an error message stating "Service not available."

Within the pickup and delivery service, users can access two services:

**Textiles to be cleaned must be prepared separately according to the items listed in the order.

***The prepared textiles will be returned by the Mobilpatyolat driver in disinfected bags specifically designated for this purpose.

****The service provider is not responsible for textiles submitted as additional items beyond the specified quantity. These will not be washed and dried or will only be accepted as an extra order.

Multiple items/services can be ordered within a single order.

Order/Pickup/Return Dates

Order: There is no time restriction for placing an order for services online. Orders can be placed at any time. For orders placed on the same day, the service provider can only schedule the pickup for the following morning if it falls on a weekday.

Pickup Time: The service provider can pick up the textiles to be cleaned no earlier than the day after the order is placed. There are two time slots available for pickups:

The service provider cannot guarantee when within the selected time slot the textiles will be picked up.

By placing an order, the client agrees that they or a designated person will be present at the provided address for the entire time frame selected during the order.

Return Time::

The return time can be chosen freely. The only condition from the service provider regarding the return time is that the earliest selectable time must be at least 24 hours after the pickup time. (For example, for a pickup scheduled on the same day in the morning, the earliest return time would be the afternoon of the following day).

Pricing for Pickup and Delivery Service:

The fees for the pickup and delivery service may vary by city.

A detailed price list can be found at


Cancellation of ordered items is only possible before the payment and submission of the order, which can be done by the client themselves.

After the order has been paid and submitted, it is not possible to cancel the order or request a refund of the paid fees.


Invoices for services utilized under the pickup and delivery service will be sent to the client via email.


  1. The service provider is responsible for picking up the textiles to be cleaned at the address provided by the client within the designated pickup time interval stated in the order.
  2. The service provider is responsible for returning the cleaned, dried, and, if applicable, ironed textiles to the address provided by the client within the designated return time interval stated in the order. 
  3. The driver does not check the prepared bag for quantity and quality, so the service provider cannot be held responsible for lost or missing items. If the client hands over a sensitive, individually unique item that requires special attention, they must notify the driver and provide it in a separate, labeled package.


  1. The service provider is not liable for possible damage to "special care" or delicate garments that require extra attention during cleaning.
  2. Mobilpatyolat reserves the right to refuse cleaning of any garments or textiles.


Complaints and/or claims related to the pickup and delivery service can be submitted in writing within 48 hours via email at, including the order ID. email-en keresztül van lehetőség a Megrendelési azonosító megadásával.

a) Office Package: You can choose from the "Basic Package," "Premium Package," and "Executive Package." Mobilpatyolat can also handle textiles that require sewing, which should be noted in the comments section when booking the appointment.

b) If you do not wish to order an "Office Package," after selecting from the available time slots, you will have the option to choose the service, listed as "Washing," "Washing-Ironing," or "Ironing." Mobilpatyolat can also handle textiles that require sewing, which should be noted in the comments section when booking the appointment.

The current services performed by Mobilpatyolat, along with the current prices for each service, are listed on the Mobilpatyolat website. The client acknowledges that Mobilpatyolat is exclusively entitled to determine these conditions and may unilaterally modify or change them, including the termination of certain types of services (price, deadline, service, etc.). By placing an order, the client accepts the current contractual conditions listed on the price list on the day of the order.

Placing an Order:

The client entrusts the service provider with the execution of one or more services. A representative of Mobilpatyolat will take possession of the items to be cleaned based on quantity (quantitative acceptance). The acceptance of the service items takes place in the presence of the client or their representative. The quantitative acceptance can be done either by piece or by weight. Services accepted by Mobilpatyolat must be paid in cash, by card, or via bank transfer upon their return.

Mobilpatyolat's Right to Refuse Service:

Mobilpatyolat may refuse to provide services if there are justifiable reasons related to production capacity or a lack of technological conditions, if the item to be cleaned is excessively dirty, harmful to health, odorous, repulsive, or otherwise contaminated, if the condition of the item does not allow for the work to be completed, or if the client does not accept the conditions of the service.

Liability and Warranty of Mobilpatyolat:

Mobilpatyolat must do everything possible to clean the entrusted items to the best possible result (general professional expectations). Mobilpatyolat agrees to perform cleaning at the lowest possible temperature to preserve the integrity and durability of the received clothing (textile). To inform our clients, we state that Mobilpatyolat carries out the washing of clothing in high-capacity washing and drying machines. Mobilpatyolat does not check the quantity and material of the clothing placed in the received packages, thus it cannot be held responsible for quality deterioration or size loss resulting from washing. This includes the composition label (e.g., cotton, wool, silk, polyester/cotton, etc.). Furthermore, Mobilpatyolat is not responsible for items forgotten in the received clothing or valuables.

In the event that an entrusted item cannot be returned (lost, exchanged, stolen, destroyed by fire, etc.), Mobilpatyolat will be liable for compensation. An item will be considered lost if it has not been returned to the client within two months from the handover, despite the client's request.

Rules for Personal Data Processing:

A Mobilpatyolat a személyes adatokat kizárólag a szolgáltatás teljesítése, teljesíthetősége és folyamatos javítása érdekében tartja nyilván, kezeli, és ugyanilyen célból kerülnek adatfeldolgozásra is. A személyes adatok védelméről és a közérdekű adatok nyilvánosságáról szóló 1992. évi LXIII. törvény 30.§ (a) pontja alapján, nem kell bejelenteni az adatvédelmi nyilvántartásba azt az adatkezelést, amely az adatkezelővel ügyfélkapcsolatban álló személyek adatait tartalmazza.

Definition of the Pickup and Delivery Service: The pickup and delivery service involves the collection of textiles and clothing to be cleaned at the designated order address by the service provider's driver. After pickup, the service provider offers washing, drying, and/or ironing services, and then returns the items to the same address at least 24 hours later.

Locations Where Pickup and Delivery Service is Provided::

Company Providing the Pickup and Delivery Service::

Napimúzsa Kft, which operates Mobilpatyolat.

Pickup and Delivery Service is Available::

On weekdays, Monday – Saturday.

Process for Ordering the Pickup and Delivery Service:

Orders for the pickup and delivery service can be placed on the website or, in the case of office packages, by logging into the Mobilpatyolat user account under the Pickup and Delivery menu.

The pickup and delivery service is only available in the locations specified above. Therefore, orders for other areas will receive an error message stating "Service not available."

Within the framework of the pickup and delivery service, the user can request three types of services:


Washing without drying is not available.

**Textiles to be cleaned must be prepared separately according to the items listed in the order.

***The prepared textiles will be transported back by the Mobilpatyolat driver in specially designated, disinfected bags for clean textiles.

****The service provider is not responsible for textiles submitted as additional items beyond the specified quantity. These will not be washed and dried or will only be accepted as an extra order.

Multiple items/services can be ordered within a single order.

In the case of an office package, the client must select the appropriate washing program and drying temperature for each washing and drying request.

The client is solely responsible for the selected washing programs and drying temperatures. The service provider does not check or compare these with the submitted textiles. After the order is placed, changes to the selected washing programs and drying temperatures are not possible.

Complaints and/or claims related to the pickup and delivery service can be submitted in writing via email at, including the order ID. emailen keresztül van lehetőség a Megrendelési azonosító megadásával.

Complaint Handling and Legal Remedies

Consumers may submit their complaints related to the goods or the seller's activities at the following contacts:

Consumers can communicate their complaints to the business verbally or in writing, which relates to the behavior, activities, or omissions of the business or a person acting in its interest concerning the marketing or sale of goods to consumers.

The business is obliged to investigate the verbal complaint immediately and remedy it if necessary. If the consumer does not agree with the handling of the complaint or if immediate investigation is not possible, the business must record the complaint and its position regarding it immediately and provide a copy to the consumer if the complaint was communicated verbally in person. For complaints communicated by phone or other electronic means, the business must send a substantive response to the consumer within 30 days, in accordance with the provisions regarding written complaints. In other cases, the business must respond to written complaints as follows: the business must provide a substantive written response within thirty days of receipt, unless otherwise stipulated by a directly applicable legal act of the European Union. A shorter deadline may be established by law, and a longer deadline may be determined by statute. The business is required to justify its stance when rejecting a complaint. Complaints communicated by phone or electronic means must be assigned a unique identification number.

The complaint protocol must include the following:

  1. The consumer's name and address
  2. The place, time, and manner of the complaint submission
  3. A detailed description of the consumer's complaint, including a list of documents, papers, and other evidence presented by the consumer
  4. The business’s statement regarding its position on the consumer's complaint, if immediate investigation is possible
  5. The name of the person recording the protocol and, except for complaints communicated by phone or other electronic means, the consumer's signature
  6. The place and time of the protocol recording
  7. For complaints communicated by phone or other electronic means, the unique identification number of the complaint.

The business is obliged to retain the protocol and a copy of the response for three years and present it to regulatory authorities upon request.

In case of a complaint rejection, the business must inform the consumer in writing about which authority or conciliation body they can initiate proceedings with, depending on the nature of the complaint. The information must also include the address, phone number, and internet contact details of the competent authority or the conciliation body corresponding to the consumer's residence or temporary address. Additionally, the information should clarify whether the business will use the conciliation body’s procedure to resolve the consumer dispute. If the consumer dispute between the seller and the consumer is not resolved during negotiations, the following legal remedies are available to the consumer:

Consumer Protection Procedure

Complaints can be filed with consumer protection authorities. If the consumer notices a violation of their consumer rights, they are entitled to file a complaint with the consumer protection authority responsible for their place of residence. After reviewing the complaint, the authority decides on the conduct of the consumer protection procedure. The first-instance consumer protection authority tasks are carried out by the capital and county government offices responsible for the consumer's place of residence. A list of these offices can be found here:

Bírósági eljárás

The customer is entitled to enforce their claims arising from the consumer dispute in court within the framework of civil proceedings according to the provisions of Act V of 2013 on the Civil Code and Act CXXX of 2016 on the Code of Civil Procedure.

Conciliation Body Procedure

We inform you that you may file a consumer complaint against us. If your consumer complaint is rejected, you have the right to turn to the Conciliation Body competent for your place of residence or temporary residence: the condition for initiating the conciliation body procedure is that the consumer attempts to resolve the disputed matter directly with the concerned business. The competent body for the procedure will be the conciliation body designated by the consumer in their request.

The business is obliged to cooperate in the conciliation body procedure.

In this context, businesses are obliged to submit a written response upon request from the conciliation body and to appear before the conciliation body (“ensuring the participation of a person authorized to create an agreement at the hearing”).

If the business's headquarters or place of business is not registered in the county of the conciliation body operating chamber, the business’s cooperation obligation extends to offering the possibility of a written agreement corresponding to the consumer’s claim.

In case of a breach of the aforementioned cooperation obligation, the consumer protection authority has the jurisdiction to impose mandatory fines on businesses for unlawful conduct as a result of legislative changes, and there is no possibility to waive these fines. In addition to the law on consumer protection, the relevant provisions of the law on small and medium-sized enterprises have also been amended, meaning that fines cannot be waived for small and medium-sized enterprises either.

The amount of the fine can range from 15,000 forints to 500,000 forints for small and medium-sized enterprises, while for businesses not classified as small or medium-sized with an annual net revenue exceeding 100 million forints, the fine can range from 15,000 forints up to 5% of the annual net revenue of the business, but not exceeding 500 million forints. By introducing mandatory fines, the legislator aims to emphasize cooperation with the conciliation bodies and ensure that businesses actively participate in the conciliation body procedures.

The conciliation body is responsible for resolving consumer disputes outside of court proceedings. The conciliation body's task is to attempt to reach an agreement between the parties to resolve the consumer dispute; if unsuccessful, it makes a decision to ensure the simple, quick, effective, and cost-effective enforcement of consumer rights. The conciliation body provides advice at the request of the consumer or the business regarding the rights entitled to the consumer and the obligations imposed on the consumer.

The conciliation body procedure is initiated at the request of the consumer. The application must be submitted in writing to the president of the conciliation body: the requirement for written communication can be fulfilled by letter, telegram, telex, or fax, as well as by any other means that allows the recipient to store the addressed data for a suitable period for its purpose and display the stored data unchanged in form and content. The application must contain:

  1. 1. The name and residence or temporary address of the consumer
  2. The name, registered office, or affected establishment of the business involved in the consumer dispute
  3. If the consumer has requested the designation of a conciliation body other than the competent one
  4. A brief description of the consumer's position, the facts supporting it, and the evidence thereof
  5. A statement from the consumer that they have attempted to resolve the disputed matter directly with the affected business
  6. A statement from the consumer that no proceedings have been initiated with another conciliation body, no mediation procedure has been started, and no claim has been filed or request for payment order has been submitted
  7. A proposal for the decision of the body
  8. The consumer's signature

The application must be accompanied by the document or a copy (extract) of the document on which the consumer relies as evidence, particularly the written statement from the business regarding the rejection of the complaint; in the absence of this, other written evidence available to the consumer regarding the attempt to negotiate must be provided.

If the consumer acts through a proxy, the application must include the power of attorney.

More information about the Conciliation Bodies can be found here: For more information about the territorially competent Conciliation Bodies, visit:

More information about the Conciliation Bodies can be found here:

Baranya Megyei Békéltető Testület
Cím: 7625 Pécs, Majorossy I. u. 36.
Postacím: 7625 Pécs, Majorossy I. u. 36
Telefonszám: 06-72-507-154
Mobil: +36 20 283-3422
Bács-Kiskun Megyei Békéltető Testület
Cím: 6000 Kecskemét, Árpád krt. 4.
Postacím: 6001 Kecskemét, Pf.228.
Telefonszám: 06-76-501-500; 06-76-501-525, 06-70-938-4765, 06-70-938-4764
Fax: 06-76-501-538
Békés Megyei Békéltető Testület
Cím: 5600 Békéscsaba, Penza ltp. 5.
Telefonszám: 06-66-324-976
Fax: 06-66-324-976
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén Megyei Békéltető Testület
Cím: 3525 Miskolc, Szentpáli u. 1.
Budapesti Békéltető Testület
Cím: 1016 Budapest, Krisztina krt. 99. I. em. 111.
Postacím: 1253 Budapest, Pf.:10.
Telefonszám: +36-1-488-21-31
Csongrád-Csanád Megyei Békéltető Testület
Cím: 6721 Szeged, Párizsi krt. 8-12.
Telefonszám: 06-62-554-250/118
Fejér Megyei Békéltető Testület
Cím: 8000 Székesfehérvár, Hosszúsétatér 4-6.
Győr-Moson-Sopron Megyei Békéltető Testület
Cím: 9021 Győr, Szent István út 10/a.
Telefonszám: 06-96-520-217
Hajdú-Bihar Megyei Békéltető Testület
Cím: 4025 Debrecen, Vörösmarty u. 13-15.
Telefonszám: 06-52-500-710; 06-52-500-745
Fax: 06-52-500-720
Heves Megyei Békéltető Testület
Cím: 3300 Eger, Hadnagy u. 6. fsz. 1.
Postacím: 3300 Eger, Faiskola u. 15.
Telefonszám: 06-36-416-660/105-ös mellék
Mobil: 06-30-967-4336
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok Megyei Békéltető Testület
Cím: 5000 Szolnok, Verseghy park 8. III. emelet 303-304.
Mobil: 06-20-373-2570
Komárom-Esztergom Megyei Békéltető Testület
Cím: 2800 Tatabánya, Fő tér 36.
Telefonszám: 06-34-513-010; 06-34-513-012
Mobil: 06-30-201-1647; 06-30-201-1877
Nógrád Megyei Békéltető Testület
Cím: 3100 Salgótarján, Mártírok útja 4.
Telefonszám: 06-32-520-860
Fax: 06-32-520-862
Pest Megyei Békéltető Testület
Cím: 1055 Budapest, Balassi Bálint u. 25. IV/2.
Telefonszám: 06-1-269-0703
Fax: 06-1-474-7921
Somogy Megyei Békéltető Testület
Cím: 7400 Kaposvár, Anna u.6.
Telefonszám: 06-82-501-000
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Megyei Békéltető Testület
Cím: 4400 Nyíregyháza, Széchenyi u. 2.
Telefonszám: +36-42-420-280
Fax: +36-42-420-180
Tolna Megyei Békéltető Testület
Cím: 7100 Szekszárd, Arany J. u. 23-25. III. emelet
Telefonszám: 06-74-411-661
Fax: 06-74-411-456
Vas Megyei Békéltető Testület
Cím: 9700 Szombathely, Honvéd tér 2.
Telefonszám: 06-94-506-645
Fax: 06-94-316-936
Veszprém Megyei Békéltető Testület
Cím: 8200 Veszprém, Radnóti tér 1. földszint 115-116.
Telefonszám: 06-88-814-121; 06-88-814-111
Zala Megyei Békéltető Testület
Cím: 8900 Zalaegerszeg, Petőfi út 24.
Telefonszám: 06-92-550-513
Fax: 06-92-550-525

Online vitarendezési platform

Az Európai Bizottság létrehozott egy honlapot, amelybe a fogyasztók beregisztrálhatnak, így ezen keresztül lehetőségük nyílik arra, hogy online vásárláshoz kapcsolódó jogvitáikat ezen keresztül rendezzék egy kérelem kitöltésével, elkerülve a bírósági eljárást. Így a fogyasztók tudják érvényesíteni jogaikat anélkül, hogy például a távolság meggátolná őket ebben.

Ha Ön panaszt kíván tenni egy, az interneten vásárolt Áruval vagy szolgáltatással kapcsolatban, és nem akar feltétlenül bírósághoz fordulni, igénybe veheti az online vitarendezés eszközét.
A portálon Ön és a kereskedő, akivel szemben panasszal élt, közösen kiválaszthatják a panasz kezelésével megbízni kívánt vitarendezési testületet.

Az online vitarendezési platform itt érhető el:
